In 2020, the Coroplast Group prepared its first Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, followed by all sites worldwide in 2022. In 2022, our CCF amounted to 30,787 t CO2e worldwide and 4,807 t CO2e in Germany for Scopes 1, 2 and 3.3. Since then, emissions data has been recorded annually and used to monitor the success of our measures.
Scope 1 covers the direct release of climate-damaging gases in our companies. Scope 2 represents the indirect release of greenhouse gases by energy suppliers. Scope 3 represents the indirect release of greenhouse gases in the upstream and downstream supply chain. Progress on developing Scope 3 targets for the rest of the upstream and downstream value chain is ongoing.
In implementing these measures, the Coroplast Group follows the hierarchy of "avoid, reduce, replace, compensate" and will focus on the following six fields of action until 2030:
We are in the process of developing and implementing a successful climate strategy. This includes the annual calculation of our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) and the review of projects and measures for each site, as part of our investment and cost planning.
We are working to expand our use of renewable energy at eligible sites to realize our high CO2e reduction potential, amounting to 50% of our CCF, by 2022. The Wittener Strasse site in Wuppertal (Germany) alone was able to almost halve its CO2 footprint by switching to green electricity in 2019.
We carry out continuous feasibility studies at all locations to save energy and increase energy efficiency. The savings potential is determined annually.
We identify potential for in-house electricity generation from renewable energies and implement this as required.
We offset unavoidable CO2e emissions by supporting carefully selected projects that align with our other commitments as a family company (contribution claims).
Progress is gradually being made in the development of targets for the upstream and downstream value chain in Scope 3 and is communicated annually in our sustainability report.
The Coroplast Group is continuing to implement its sustainability strategy and is taking an important step towards greenhouse gas neutrality by concretizing its climate strategy. From July 2023, the Chinese sites of Coroplast Tape and Coroflex will obtain their electricity exclusively from renewable energy sources.
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